Counter Strike Source Hacks // CS:S Hacks

Game: Counter Strike Source
Anti-Cheats: VAC, VAC2, Cheating-Death, Detox, aequitas, zblock
Features: Aimbot, ESP, Wallhack, Visuals, Nametags, Removals
Compatibility: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (64 bit OK)

This multihack is undoubtedly the best available. Coded personally by P47R!CK, the original creator of HLH. This hack has all the features you could ever need and more. Always one step ahead of the competition while keeping you hidden from people who suspect you use hacks. Unlike other hacks, You will never get detected using our constantly updating software.

Full Feature List

This cheat has a Leage Mode- In league mode, Nobody can tell you are cheating no matter what- even if they spectate you or make a demo of you.


Auto Aim/Auto Shoot
Choose from Customizable activation key.
Choose from different Hitboxes to aim for; Head/Neck/Chest/Waist
Select Enemies, Friends, or Everyone as your target.
Choose to aim through walls or not
Choose how to aim at targets- By distance to you or how close they are to your crosshair
Humanized Aiming - Even though your using a aimbot, it looks legit as a human is aiming


Name Tags, Show names of all friendlies and enemies.
Health Tags, Show health of all friendlies and enemies.
Visual Tags, Shows an icon or frame around enemies to give away their position, even behind walls.
Entity Tags, Show names of weapons and items on the ground.
Distance Tags, Show the distance between you and all friendlies and enemies.
Weapon tags: Shows the exact weapon a user has

Visual Options:

Crosshair, Select from different custom crosshairs to make manual aiming easier.
Radar, Render a an on-screen minimap showing all enemies/friendlys.
Chamz, paints a bright color skin, visible through walls, on both enemies and friendlies.


No Recoil (Passive/Aggresive/Off), Causes all shots fired to be confined to the exact point where your crosshair lies.
No Flash/No smoke - Completely removes the effects of flashbangs and smoke grenades.
Select varying degrees of No Spread or No Recoil; Causes all shots fired to be confined to the exact point where your crosshair lies.


Bunny Hop, Hold down space bar to automatically jump continuously.
Auto Pistol, Hold down your firing key to turn your pistol into a fully automatic pistol.
Trigger Bot, Lets you be more discreet by only firing when your crosshair hovers over the enemy. Works with and without aimbot
3rd Person, Switches your view to Third Person so you can get a better view of your character and your surroundings.
Spin Hack, Confuses enemies and other hackers by rotating your character madly.
Rcon Hack - We have a script that will let you get full rcon in servers running amx mod
Speed Hack - Lets you run and shoot with speed

DC 's Blog - Free Source Code.